We’ve all Screwed-up in Life

“We’ve all Screwed-up in Life”

Okay, so you’ve screw-up in life; You’ve made so considerable mistakes over the years – So who the hell hasn’t? Perhaps you should consider the following questions and assertions?

Just how far are we regarding our DNA – our Genome – from the gorilla or chimpanzee? (You know – those primitive, ungodly animals.)

Unlike the great ape – some of us have learned to keep our instincts in check; The desire or capacity to kill; The essential need to procreate; To control our rage, our jealousy, our capacity for selfishness.

As I see it – the primary differences between “us” and the ape – involve the use or abuse of our so called intellect.

Yes, we have the hydrogen bomb and “they” have barely learned to utilize even a common stick or a branch as a weapon or tool. As such – we are irrefutably “superior”.

They – the lower animal often protects its territory as a matter of survival and well – we – we protect our stuff. ( Take someone’s bejeweled Rolex watch or Gucci purse or shoes and if caught, charged, prosecuted and found guilty – you lose your freedom; Freedom to eat what you want; To imbibe alcohol; Freedom to engage in fornication with your “mate” or “partner”.) (Not too long ago – during less civil times – if you stole someone’s horse you were hanged. If you rustled cattle – you were hanged.)

Now – we walk upright and they – the lower animal amble along using a graceless, uncoordinated gait – knuckles to the ground – looking rather bestial and silly.

We – Homo Sapiens – hold our heads high – as be confidently espouse our belief that we each have all of the answers.

Animals -even the great ape – simply eat, procreate and defecate. (What do they know?)

They have no God. They possess no soul.

We have the capacity to annihilate this planet many times over – we are gradually destroying our ecosystem. And “they” — well — they eat and poop.

Fortunately, the great majority of us abide by a strict set of rules – of codification – or we end-up prosecuted and jailed. Yes, animals can run around “with everything hanging-out”. They can engage in fornication or defecation without fear of being prosecuted for public exposure. They can probe a needy nostril using an investigative finger. Yes they can and do break wind in mixed company – in any social situation – without fear of criticism or condemnation.

However – we are civilized creatures – we are comprised of those who are perfectly capable of aborting a healthy human fetus; Engaging in internecine warfare and genocide; Of killing in the name of human rights, human dignity and religious, ideological and even cultural ramifications and/or cleansing or purification.

Animals – well animals – they procreate, they eat and defecate. Yes, what the hell do they know?

So you’ve messed up and made some mistakes along the way From a personal vantage point – you have an opportunity to choose a moral, productive path.

The addict can become an advocate for temperance, sobriety, non-indulgence.

The soldier who is emotionally damaged can become a proponent for peace and reconciliation. You can aid in the process of communication, compromise and healing; leading to detente or rapprochement.

Yes, in every obese person – buried beneath that layer of adipose is a slender health-nut.

If we are willing to be honest about our flaws – frailties and that of our true nature; If we are willing to perceive ourselves as members of the animal kingdom – just maybe we can learn to develop a reverence towards all life? If we dare to honestly look at ourselves and our arrogant, destructive nature – perhaps we can espy – the fact that – in many respects we are quite inferior to members of the animal kingdom.

Less than fifty years from now – nearly every Country on this insane planet will have in their possession intercontinental nuclear ballistic missiles. “Great Countries” will have faded into infamy. Drug-resistant diseases will flourish, asteroids will strike, natural disasters will befall us – but perhaps Mankind’s greatest impediment towards the future prosperity of the human family is our greed, our arrogance and our fervent belief in our ideological supremacy.

Perhaps we should – in light of our absence of “ insightfulness”, humility and common sense – strive to ascend to the level of — and to emulate the selflessness, its social cohesiveness and survivability of none other than that of the ant? ( Perhaps?)

\ Jessy J.T.

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