We’re all just Friends and Neighbors

“We’re all Just Friends and Neighbors”

It has occurred to me – having “superficially” delved into Western History – that America – our political and philosophical resoluteness is not merely about siding with or advocating capitalistic ideology – America is a proponent of and for religious freedom – yes, for freedoms and fundamental human rights in general – Yes, even if and when it means protecting the rights of “theocratic nations” (whose populace is not being abused, brutalized nor “repressed”.) We are indeed a Representative Democratic Republic – but we as a nation comprised of a heterogeneous populace – are a community of Muslims and Jews, Buddhists and Christians – yes, of atheists, agnostics as well. (A welter of beliefs and political affiliations that boggles the mind and antagonizes the prig.) We, as a Country – who cherishes our role as liberators of those under tyranny – have quite literally saved the world from catastrophic domination by Nazism and Communism – with an investment of millions of American lives and trillions of tax payers dollars. What organizations such as hamas, al qaeda and the P.L.O. Have to understand is that America’s policies – in the past – were specifically intended to thwart the spread of Marxist ideology – which if permitted – would (no doubt) have resulted in the complete repression of Islamic fundamentalism, of ones right to free speech, to freedom of religion, to the many exceptional freedoms so many of us take for granted. They would have incrementally have usurped and wielded oil production in the entire Arab region. America is responsible for your right – your privilege – to be ruled as a theocracy (by a monocrat), to be persuaded into acquiescence by an essentially benevolent Monarch – or to embrace Democratic ideals – to live as sovereign nations.

Both Nazism and Communism each sought world domination and the United states was there to lead a coalition that significantly aided in the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the demise of Nazism and tyranny. Saddam was stopped and a despotic monocrat was eventually “sent on his way” to be dealt with by the equitable perfect will of God.

Yes, America and/or a percentage of it’s population does indeed back Israel and her expansionism. But the American people do (as usual) have a mixed perspective of our alliance. But it is my view – right or wrong – regardless of Israel’s policy towards her quest to colonize the disputed territories – your internecine fanatical hatred towards one another – may (sadly) go on – ad infinitum (Unless both sides begin to think differently.)

Perhaps – regardless of my skepticism – you might consider the aphorism that (when you consider the global threat of Nazism, Communism and the regional danger of Saddam) – “MY ENEMIES ENEMY IS MY ALLY”.

And just maybe you’ll consider this: All we (as American’s want) is tranquility and prosperity for our friends and neighbors. All we ask for is understanding, empathy and harmony:

For our Christian brothers.

For our Jewish brothers.

For our Buddhist brothers.

And yes, for our Muslim brothers.

(For atheists and agnostics as well.)

All that we desire as American’s is to feed, clothe and to house our family members, to control our destiny, to worship GOD (who goes by many names); To tend to desiderata.


Jessy J.T.

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