Manifesto Six

So how the hell does a Bohemian writer who is obviously iconoclastic yet competent – make it in a world rife with a populous who predominantly fall into fall into both vague and distinctive categories – downright ignorant yet arrantly (curiously) opinionated (and as such an obscurantist by nature) – obsessively pious, sanctimonious and emotionally, intellectually handicapped – the Bourgeois – members of the intelligentsia, scientists, scholars and those of the literati – yes, Republicans, Democrats, Independents and “IdGas’s” (I don’t give a shits!)

Perhaps the following essay will shed some light on such a curious question?

So who’s correct and who’s incorrect philosophically, theologically, politically and regarding economic considerations?

It is my (arrogant) view that those who believe that they possess all of the answers are the one’s who are causing the majority of problems – politically – socially and economically. (Which almost invariably includes those individuals who fervently and fanatically adhere to a particular arcane or esoteric set of doctrinal precepts – those who have reduced the ineffable mysteries of life to anachronistic, unscientific nonsense.) If they – those who purport to possess all of the answers are indeed correct – then perhaps gravity, the draw of the electron, immutable laws – are each figments of human imagination and folly.

As for one’s political affiliation – it’s a very interesting coalescence of religiosity, (or atheism or agnosticism), intellect (or lack thereof), an amalgamation of experiences – both as an adult and as a child, brain chemistry, self-esteem or self-loathing – all of which manifests as empathy or indifference, misanthropy or philanthropy, avarice or largess. And as such we conform to societies norms – almost invariably adhering to a particular political affiliation. Conformist or non-conformist – the alchemy is as enigmatic as the origin of God – or the creation of life itself – Phylogeny or creationism – biopoesis. The outcome is a species which appears to be perpetually at war – conflictual theologically – oppositional or discordant politically – at odds economically.

What disturbs me most about about the human species is their use of their personal religiosity. Rather than evoking love, inspiring forgiveness, tolerance and understanding – it – religion – bolsters a mindset and mentality of animus and contempt.

Disagreement is an unavoidable aspect of living in a global community – but does the nihilist have to despise the foundationalist or the literalist? Can we agree to disagree – to agree to focus on what we have in common – the trials and tribulations of life, the diurnal challenge of rearing a family, making a living, seeking happiness and productivity in life?

It is my intended goal to shed light on many of the problems which face us as a family…

To begin with – one of the factors contributing towards the devolution of society and the disintegration of America – involves those who are so overwhelmed by life – that their primary purpose – is to escape and benumb. The drug addict and/or alcoholic is often hampered by low self-esteem and self-doubt. Many addicts and alcoholics are plagued by undiagnosed mental illness. And thus far most addicts I’ve encountered have many attributes and experiences in common. Many have been the product of broken homes; An absence of proper parental guidance – reared by grandparents, a single parent or by so called “strangers”. This has often left them with a psychological void in their lives. Many drug addicts and/or alcoholics have intellectual deficits and/or learning disabilities. I have admittedly encountered some who I would characterize as extremely intelligent – yet unable to abide

by societies rules. I have personally encountered many addicts who are sexually frustrated and lonely and have had little or few opportunities to establish a relationship – to “fall in love” – or even into “like”. Some are combating homosexual tendencies or quite simply the fact that they must face the reality that they must face the reality that they are attracted to the same gender – and that such a denial – due to personal, familial and societal prejudice pushes them over a psychological precipice. Yes many drug addicts and/or alcoholics have been damaged irreparably by dysfunctional families and/or rearing – but many are a product of sexual abuse by an adult pederast or pedophile.

Drug addiction and alcoholism obviously interferes with nearly every aspect of life – it inhibits personal emotional growth, child rearing, conflict resolution, familial dysfunction – and as such it factors significantly into our personal, familial and societal degeneration. It has transformed us from a “super power” to an abysmal failure – politically, socially and economically.

What are some of the solutions which can aid in the revitalization of America’s numerous ills?

I’ll start at the beginning; These are a handful of solutions which will eventually bring us back to the status of “super power”…

To begin with I suggest hiring corporate efficiency experts who will “fine tune” and reduce the size and inefficiency of BIG GOVERNMENT.

We can reduce the number of inspectors in the EPA, FDA and dozens of other agencies and replace them with draconian fines and UNANNOUNCED INSPECTIONS.

We can “pool our resources” – “share information” for “law enforcement”, the U.S. Military – our behemoth bureaucracy, colleges and universities – large and small businesses.

“We” (they) can purchase everything in bulk for most branches of government – from computers and electronics – to automobiles or transportation, food and insurance – to investments of pensions and Social Security. We can merge tax revenues to be directed towards retirement (Social Security and pensions) with corporate giants to construct the most high-tech automobile in the world. As already generally outlined – we can create cars and trucks with alternators or generators which utilize the rotation of the drive line and wheels to create electricity. Wind turbines situated in the front and side (and top) of vehicles – could generate huge amounts of electricity (particularly for long-haul trucks). (Now what was so hard about that? We have the technology – let do it!!!)

We can construct houses that are fire-proof and “flexible” – that are strong and durable (using steel sheathing and flexible supports – where appropriate – using concrete, mesh and reinforced steel — each of which will withstand the rage of mother nature – earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and flooding; Thick Plexiglas windows, steel doors, GFCI breakers, anti-scald valves, sprinkler systems and/or fire suppression devices.

No more boondoggles and an end to the financing of dead-end research useless (or obvious) studies such as the an investigation into the mating habits of the arachnid or crustacean (whether or not they are into bondage, S&M or leather fetishes). Peering into the stars to cloy the dead-end intellectual or noetic needs of the cerebral yet misguided astronomer. (Whose primary goal is to understand and answer questions as to why and how we got here.) Expenditures which will allegedly validate the fact that advanced life forms exist on other planets. (Of course they do – so now what?) (I just hope that they don’t view us as inferior animals suitable as sustenance!)

We can get many individuals off of disability and welfare by significantly reducing fraud. And by redirecting tax revenues to create jobs for those who are unemployed and attempting to thwart mortgage foreclosures and auto repossessions – to feed, cloth and shelter their families.

Rather than financing boondoggles – we must utilize the expertise of business consultants to properly, intelligently and efficiently create the most long-term high-paying jobs possible – bearing in mind that we have lots of work to be done and a good deal of money to finance literally millions of projects that are in need of attention. We can use pensions and Social Security (and tax revenues from the rich) to build very high-tech steel mills, factories which manufacture electronics, lumber mills, tools and furniture. We can build potable water and sewage treatment plants, bridges, roadways (sorry environmentalists (and others) hydroelectric dams. And we can incorporate and issue stocks and bonds . Is there risk? The risk is negligible! (And those of you who embrace a laissez-faire attitude – go ahead – maintain the (economic) status-quo and permit this great Country to continue its deconstruction!

Housing which is sound structurally, highly advanced cars, trucks and manufacturing plants and mills – can create ten’s of millions of well-paying long-term jobs which will eventually lead to a balanced budget amendment – it will eventually pay-down our obscene National debt, it will finance a two-pronged health care approach, it will improve the quality of life for ten’s of millions and it will save countless lives.

What do these solutions have to do with our failures as a Country? Everything!

If you can bring patriotic corporations back to America through MORE TAX INCENTIVES – if you can convince retailers to sell American-made goods – if you can convince the general public to purchase American-made goods – if you dare to merge a bit of socialism with capitalism – if you are finally willing to implement crucial campaign finance reform – (to get intellectuals who have the gift of afflatus and the balls to implement change) – we can and will eventually thrive!

Provide “our” children with the best education in the world; Teach them how to communicate – how to problem solve in the absence of violence (Later on in their K through 14 (free) education – teach them about the dangers of addiction. Teach them Tai Chi and/or martial arts that will carry them on into their final decades of life. Permit teachers and school officials to utilize unique methods that will encourage students to learn. Stop teaching subjects that are irrelevant to their talents and interests. Consider the fact that adolescence is a time of raging hormones, sexual development and often confusion; Emotional turmoil and esteem-building. You can develop a good and unique educational system which creates those who pursue a satisfying lifelong profession – or you can maintain a grossly inadequate educational system which can lead to someone who “gives-up”. Create programs that significantly reduce teenage pregnancy, addiction, bullying and dozens of other areas that can destroy lives. Honest discussion, repeated inculcations and admonitions and programs which enlighten, motivate and build self-esteem can and will do wonders.

I suggest free clinics to offer marriage counseling and child rearing, communication and problem solving for both teens and adults.

Multi-faith coordination – giving children and families a choice (let God lead the way).

Reach out to gangs with job training programs and discussion while incapacitating their ability to make a living by legalizing – strictly controlling and distributing narcotics as well as prostitution!

Form clubs for children and young adults:

Camping, fishing, hunting, wilderness survival techniques. Build primitive structures and out-houses, vegetable gardens and teach them self-reliance. (Get them away from the inner city!)

Create after-school work programs – part-time after school and on weekends. Have them renovate the very slums and barrios they often live in!

The goals are to:

Considerably ameliorate violence.

Lower health care costs.

Save lives.

Stop the mass production of children sired by the mentally ill and drug and/or alcohol addicted individuals.

Reduce the population in prisons.

Considerably increase tax revenues.

Create long-term well-paying Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!

Curtail drug and alcohol abuse and juvenile crime.

Renovate slums and barrios.

This is achievable if we think differently!

Implement campaign finance reform and get “real people” into the House and the Senate. Get college professors, scientists, the literati into politics!

(Multimillionaire pettifoggers are better suited for ambulance chasing! Don’t you think that they have done enough damage to our great Country already???)

Veterans – particularly those with P.T.S.D. Must be offered free therapy!!! They – after serving our Country – do not belong on the streets!!! Just perhaps (perhaps) you can re-integrate those who are “scarred emotionally” back into the military – in non-combat positions??? (It beats homelessness!!!)

GET SERIOUS SEX OFFENDERS OFF THE STREETS – PERIOD! Break the cycle of abuse and do it now. Learn to distinguish between those who are an evident threat and someone who simply needs therapy. If need be – place “them” in camps in isolated wilderness sites throughout the Country. Again – have them construct primitive housing structures and to learn to survive off the land.

Anyone who is a threat to the weal of society can be “treated in such a manner”.

All structures which are abandoned and decrepit must be removed and/or recycled when feasible. They are a threat to the community and are overt fire hazards. They have killed fire fighters in the past and will kill many in the future. (This situation is unacceptable to say the least! One fire fighters life makes such a massive, crucial undertaking unavoidable.)

Owners – even former stock holders must be tracked-down and they must incur the cost! (Bankruptcy or no bankruptcy!) (Corporate dissolution or no corporate dissolution!) Former stock holders, CEO’s, business executives – somewhere – are living lives of leisure while decrepit buildings mar the inner city landscape – threaten the safety of inhabitants and literally kill fire fighters! (Enough is enough!)

Toxic waste sites must be dealt with in the very same manner. Someone – somewhere must be held accountable – particularly when there’s loss of life!

Once the buildings are knocked down and the property has been taken over by the city of county – plant trees and vegetation. Install parks using money gleaned from fines.

They broke it!

They fix it!

Tell me where I’m inaccurate – but if you tax the rich and direct the revenues towards building high-tech steel and lumber mills and reinvigorating failing, aging or necessary infrastructure – creating long-term well-paying jobs – won’t this approach completely negate claims by rich Republicans – that taxing the rich will hurt the economy???!!! Such a common sense approach will stimulate housing starts, renovations, automotive and truck purchases – “it” will create an economic boom (or boon).

Those who gain long-term well-paying jobs – who purchase American-made stuff will also stimulate the hell out of the economy!

When you increase the minimum wage – there is also an economic trade-off; Higher wages also translate into economic stimulation. Rudimentary needs are met – automotive repairs are made – clothing and electronics are purchased; Inferior goods and services are acquired.

When able – stay the hell out of war! If “it” is unavoidable – wage war as an overwhelming International force! Obviously this disperses the cost of equipment and manpower. It means sharing the burden to guarantee global peace and/or security. It means that everyone must contend with their share of dead or damaged warriors; The personal loss of loved ones and the cost on the economy.

COMPLETELY CHANGE LEGAL TENDER SO THAT EXISTING CASH MUST BE EXCHANGED FOR NEW (VALID) CURRENCY. It would thwart counterfeiting and bring all obsolete “stashes” to the surface – acquired legally and illegally.

With a consumption tax – everyone would pay taxes (those who do not report tips , GOOD GUYS AND BAD GUYS.

Offer those incarcerated the option to work – competing with foreign manufacturers – yes, rewarding felons with incentives. This approach angers many of you – however – the good will unquestionably outweigh the bad.

Legalize, control and tax the hell out of prostitution. You must include severe penalties for those who exploit children, disregard the use of prophylactics, do not frequently test for disease as well as narcotics use by demimondaines. BY THE WAY – SEX EXCHANGED FOR MONEY IS ALREADY LEGAL – IT’S CALLED PORNOGRAPHY. You must stop telling adults what they can and can’t do with their genitalia – assuming that it does not involve the exploitation of children and does not hurt nor victimize anyone.

Study what other Countries have done in these areas and modify the system and/or approach to counter problems that surface.

With 50 million person’s who live below the poverty level – everything I have outlined is logical, fair and/or justifiable. Stop bolstering the Marxist philosophy that capitalism leads to immiseration and that dialectical materialism is based upon unfounded Marxist speculation and not proven fact. Fifty million Americans live well below the poverty level – (does that include the “over one million who have become non-persons?) Does this also include those who are “above the poverty level” who are struggling with foreclosures and vehicular repossessions – that is – those who are above the poverty level – yet financially distressed???

Why not reduce long-term health care costs by creating laws which will permit the production of clean, pure herbs that are infused with nicotine? (Yes, I suppose the inhalation of nearly any smoke is carcinogenic – however my question is – would herbs which are infused with nicotine significantly reduce rates of lung disease and cancer? (Yes, part of the solution is to never begin smoking at all – but life is stressful and nicotine temporarily helps to reduce stress. Nicotine infused herbs perhaps should be considered???) What the hell do you have to lose? (Campaign finance contributions from corporate tobacco lobbyists? I believe so.)

So now where do I dare to venture?

I would begin with those who have simply “given up”. For some – no effort will motivate them beyond the repair of a brain imbalance. Is there a brain aberration or chemical imbalance which contributes towards sloth or indolence?

In a perfect world – everyone would be motivated to work; Everyone would be employed and paid a living wage; Everyone would be alcohol and drug-free; Children would be reared by June and Ward Cleaver; Each of us would live in the town of Mayberry. However all economic systems are flawed. People are flawed and miserable unemployed individuals are prone to drink and drug. Damaged people make damaged babies; And most of “you” believe that reproduction by anyone is a fundamental civil right. Bullshit! Mentally ill persons, mentally retarded individuals, drug and alcohol addicted persons,

severely dysfunctional persons or persons who cannot afford to support their offspring either emotionally or financially SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO SIRE OFFSPRING!!! Their “right to reproduce” simply does not outweigh societies right to protect itself against the epidemic of children who will become wards of the state for the rest of their natural lives! Tax payers cannot afford this disgusting scenario. Society cannot afford to finance the mass production of damaged individuals. And we have an ever-increasing National debt that is burying us alive in indigence, crime, the neglect of crucial prophylactic approaches. Entitlement programs, health care costs – all caused by damaged, irresponsible individuals – is literally destroying the American dream for the majority of hard-working tax-paying Americans. Why must we always wait until problems become Daedalian before we implement before we implement feckless, ineffective very expensive programs.

You refuse to tax the rich to create and invest in the creation of competitive industries that will create well-paying long-term jobs – because you don’t want to interfere with our flawed capitalistic system.

You refuse to simply begin our healing process with campaign finance reform.

You refuse to create a department of housing reclamation and to bid on foreclosed homes and to sell them back to the owners at a reduced cost.

You refuse to permit the scientific community, scholars, college professors, members of the literati to lead and to legislate – using science and/or scientific research to help to renovate or remodel our anachronistic (legalistic) approaches.

Politicians who are all too often thespians refuse to look beyond their borders to learn from other Countries who have created gutsy, courageous, ingenious programs – to see how “they” contend with radioactive waste, illicit drugs, addiction, health care, the disparity between the rich and the poor – because our politicians are far too egotistical, sanctimonious and more concerned with maintaining the status quo – keeping their jobs and dreaming of one day of being safely ensconced in the OVAL OFFICE than they are with saving this great Country from an inevitable dissolution. Yes we can and will maintain things as they are. Yes, we can boast:

A crippling National debt.

A huge overwhelming trade deficit.

An outrageous crime rate.

More drug and alcohol addiction per capita.

A very low rate of rich to poor.

High unemployment, homelessness and disenfranchisement.

Voter apathy and outrage. A lame duck, partisan, close-minded contentious congress.

A political system that is craven and practically useless.

(Did you notice that during our government shutdown – that “they” – predominantly very affluent legislators – made certain that they received their salaries despite the hardships and privation experienced by those who needed their support the most?)

Moving on…

You can give tax rebates and lower insurance rates to those who can prove that they exercise, maintain a healthy body weight, don’t smoke or use illicit drugs – who live a healthy lifestyle.

You can increase welfare payments to those who do not make babies which they cannot afford to support.

Forgive me (again) but you can sterilize damaged individuals (including this paranoid schizophrenic) who have no business reproducing!!!

You can also fine and sterilize the men who are making babies they do not support either emotionally or financially.

You can use Social Security as a safety net – and not as a means to provide recipients with with a life of “excessive leisure”. (Particularly those who gamble their Social Security check at Las Vegas and other gambling resorts!)

You can test SSI recipients for drug usage and alcohol addiction (particularly those who live on the streets and squander their disability each and every month on drug and alcohol binges!) (Is this fair to the hard-working tax-paying citizens?)

I know – sterilizing damaged individuals is far too draconian – right? (Yet you casually take the life of an unborn child in the name of women’s reproductive rights!) An innocent beautiful helpless human beings life is taken – all in order to grant women the right to behave irresponsibly! (You know we do have RU-486 – the morning after drug!!! (There’s no damned excuse for this genocide! Have we lost our collective minds???)

As already stated – we desperately need a “Manhattan Project” to design automobiles which utilize the rotation of the wheels and drive line – as well as wind turbines to generate electricity!!!

We desperately need to design homes that will contend with natures wrath as well as human stupidity.

We must create an International (global) police force that will maintain order – stop the spread of weapons of mass destruction, stop the rampage of malicious despots, attempt to contend with hunger and disease – maintain order around our global community.

We must learn that it’s not about every man for himself. We must pull together for the sake of our human family

For the Foundationalist or literalist – who embraces the concept of heaven, the righteousness of God and the connection we have with our human family – this is a logical course and set of objectives.

If you’re an atheist or an agnostic – you must realize that science is for the progression of Mankind – not for the advancement of one Country (Nor for the elevation of one’s ego as a scientist, engineer or elitist.

No – I’m not advocating a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT -we can, will and must maintain our sovereignty. I am advocating or denoting that we must create an organization which will merge a scientific base to conquer cancer, to create new energy resources, to investigate the possibility of long distance space travel.

If we can create organizations which will aid in scientific and technological as well as societal progression for the human race in general – we can certainly create an organization that will create a global force for peace and serenity.

All Countries can maintain their sovereignty – until a potentate or polity begins to violate the rights of it’s people. Once we finally recognize that we are universally, spiritually, politically, socially and economically connected – we will begin to resolve problems which appear inextricable. Once we realize that this mindset and mentality will benefit everyone – not merely a chosen few – we will begin to progress – not merely as a sovereign Nation – but as members of our global community.

And we will finally understand the words:

E Plurabus Unum

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