We are in this thing together

“We are in this Thing Together”

Atheists, Christians, Nihilists and Theists in general — you guys and gals simply need to mellow-out. To the loving, forgiving Christian – whose loving, forgiving, GOD sentences those who oppose him theologically and/or ideologically – to an eternity in hell – why not let GOD judge the true nature of the altruistic Atheist or Agnostic?

Love “him”.

Forgive “him”.

Yes, pray for “him”.

To the Atheists and Agnostics who are fed-up with the perpetual diet of threats of perdition promulgated by those you perceive as obscurant prigs – dare to feed them their very own biblical precepts:

Let, GOD be the judge.

Love your neighbor…

Turn the other cheek…

Judge not – lest ye be judged.

It is my arrogant belief that neither of “you” have “it” right. So – stop being so smug and sanctimonious.

No one can or will ever explain with any sort of a priori or a posteriori – where an omnipotent, omniscient, ubiquitous and eternal – GOD – came from. GOD always was and always will be – frankly explains nothing.

As for the “Big Bang” and the “alleged” birth or incipience of “matter”, “space”, and “time” – as well as the immutable laws that govern us – the question this supposition raises is – “How”? “What”? “When”? And “why”? Yes, there is enough matter to fill our enormous Universe – but “where” did all that “stuff” – the constituents of life – come from? This theory is merely pabulum to the cerebral erudite scientist. If “matter” which is governed by immutable laws that has prompted “it” to merge into elements and order – can be accepted as spontaneously appearing – or – that “it” (matter) always was and always will be — so can it be said concerning the existence of GOD.

As for the origin of life – the inanimate to the animate:

      1. Ultraviolet rays already bombarded an already “toxic” “inhospitable” environs.

      2. There were no nutrients to sustain life.

      3. The earliest form of life had no mechanism in place in which to absorb those “non-existent” nutrients.

      4. The earliest form of life simply had no mechanism in which to reproduce.

      5. Therefore no mutations (blind mutations) could have taken place.

Assuming that the environment was conducive (and it wasn’t) how could you leap from that of step #1 – to that of step #5 – to life that could sustain itself – to reproduce – to mutate and to evolve?

So? Neither one of you has it right; So humble yourselves – because nobody has all the answers.

Yes – as far as “religion” is concerned – it can be a boon or a blessing – or a curse that brings about internecine warfare, animus and/or social discord.

Atheism, Nihilism – leaves the populace with hopelessness, – no reward for a life well lived; For a lifetime abiding by a shibboleth “that essentially” keeps you in line – that steers you away from a life of mendacity.

So? GOD or no GOD

Heaven or no heaven

Living a life that is altruistic is rewarding – because it’s all about helping one another through this miraculous journey.

So? Leave the nativity scenes alone. (It makes people happy).

Fund RU 486 (the morning after pill). It saves precious innocent lives.

Mellow-out – because no one has a leg to stand on regarding the regarding the origin of the Universe or life as we know it.

As members of our human family — make peace – because it is Godly.

Talk, negotiate, compromise, coalesce or merge your attention or focus on the success or happiness of OUR FAMILY – because we are brothers and sisters and we – like it or not – are in this thing together.

Jessy J.T.

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